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The animals that call our farm home
They enjoy plenty sunshine, pasture and organic feed
Our dairy cow and her calf.
Jersey cows are famous for mild manners and the richness of their milk
We breed Red Bourbon heritage turkeys
Some of our pigs are raised specifically for charcuterie. On pasture over the course of two seasons and finished on Apples and acorns
We breed mixed heritage pigs. Our sows spend the year outdoors and are bred only once per season
Our flock spends the season on grass and the Winter on hay
Our Guinea foul breed freely and cohabitate peacefully (for the most part ) with everyone
We breed and raise Muskovy ducks for meat and eggs. They're provided as close to natural an environment as possible
We breed and raise White Chantecler heritage chicken for real chicken flavor
Our egg laying flock of Rhode Island reds and Plymouth barred rocks enjoy two acres of pasture
Alabaster our Great Pyrenees is tasked with keeping everyone safe
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